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Polydioxanone Absorbable Sutures PDO Suture Thread

Polydioxanone (PDS) is a sterile absorbable synthetic monofilament suture composed of Polydioxanone Polymer. The PDS Suture has been proven to be non-antigenic and non-pyrogenic.


    Polydioxanone (PDS) is a sterile absorbable synthetic monofilament suture composed of Polydioxanone Polymer. The PDS Suture has been proven to be non-antigenic and non-pyrogenic.The PDS Suture is available dyed in violet from sizes: USP9/0-USP2. There are two main characteristics of the PDS Sutures which are the tensile strength retention and secondly the absorption rate Meiyi PDS Sutures fulfill all the requirements of USP and the European Pharmacopoeia for sterile, synthetic, absorbable sutures.


    PDS Sutures are indicated for use in general surgery. 

    It is suitable for all types of soft tissue procedures including pediatric cardiovascular tissue where growth is expected to occur and ophthalmic surgery. 

    The PDS Sutures are extremely useful where the combination of an absorbable suture and extended wound support for up to six weeks is required.

    The PDS Sutures are not recommended for use in adult cardiovascular tissue, microsurgery and neutral tissue.


    PDS procedures minimum acute tissue reactions followed by gradual encapsulation by connective tissue. 

    PDS Sutures have a very high initial tensile strength, complete absorption takes 6-7 months and the absorption rate is minimal until the third month.


    Slight inflammatory tissue reactions may occur initially in the environment of the suture material. 

    The PDS Sutures are absorbable and should not be used where long suture support is necessary beyond six weeks.

    Waning Notes

    This product must not be resterilized. If the PDS Suture sachet is damaged it shallbe discarded,The Meiyi PDS Sutures should be storedin a dry room, not exposed to direct sunlight or extrenetemperatures.As this is an absorbable suture material,the use of supplemental non-absorbable sutures shouldbe considered by the surgeon in closure of theabdomen, chest,joints or other sites subject toexpansion or requiring additional support.

    Note/Precautionary Measures

    When handlingMeiyi Polydioxanone Sutures, it is necessary to handlethe suture and needle with care, paying particularattention to the needle and avoiding damage beingcaused by needle holders. The user should havesufficient knowledge and be familiar with absorbableSurgical Sutures and the particular decreasing tensilestrength,before handling MeiyiSutures.PDS is not suitable for elderly or debilitated patients orpatients with retarded wound healing. Tissue with poorblood circulation may reject the suture material due tothe delayed absorption.
